But with the end of the month comes some major man candy; and I mean Major. To tell you all the truth, I actually contemplated dedicating December to Jackson Rathbone as well because lets face it, the man is incredibly hot and probably takes up about 95% of my YUM files. Yes, I have a photo file on my netbook entitled 'The YUM Files.' Sue me.
I'm pretty positive that this ^ is the greatest picture.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that November has been my favorite month. So, who will be next? Any requests? Let me know.
I can't believe you chose Taylor Lautner *shudders* Although it could be worse, it could be Rob Pattinson. (Am I the only person who thinks he's horrible? It feels like it...)
I think you should have stuck with Jackson for another month myself. Though I could have forgiven you a brief foray into the Lutzinator.
RPattz was up before you started following me, lol. I was thinking Kellan but I haven't picked Taylor yet and I found some decent pictures of him.
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