Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday's Musings

Hello everyone!

It's a cold, snowy day out here on the Palouse... got about three inches of snow on the ground. Whoopee! Anyway... I want to start a new segment called Monday's Musings in which I say basically whatever the hell is on my mind. So here goes nothin'.

  • Readers: while I appreciate you guys putting me on your favorites, authors alerts, and story alerts, I would appreciate a review even more. Honestly, I work my butt off to write at least 3000 words for you guys. It would be nice if I could at least get one sentence from you saying 'great chapter' or something, though I would appreciate a more detailed review than that. Reviews are what authors want... not alerts. If every person who put my story on alert reviewed... I'd have well over a hundred reviews.
  • On the same topic of readers: Please, for the love of all that is holy, read the author's notes. They are there for a reason. I had one review (and I'm not complaining) where an anonymous review said it was basically Sassafrass Junction. 1) It says in the chapter 1 a/n, that some aspects were INSPIRED by SJ. 2) The author of SJ is aware of this story and has it on her story alerts. READ people. READ.
  • Writers: If you're going to include lemons in your story, great. But it would actually be helpful if you weren't a VIRGIN (not that there is anything wrong with being a virgin). Don't write about something that you know nothing about. Also, please don't include a lemon in every single chapter or multiple lemons in a chapter. Seriously, I've seen 6-8 chapter stories with fifteen or so lemons already. First, I don't know anybody that has sex every single day... if they do, they may have a problem. Second, you should focus on your plot line first. Nothing upsets me more than seeing a story that is about 10 chapters in with 1000+ reviews that has no plot line. At all. It's just sex overload. It's not fair for those authors who actually deserve that amount of reviews for a well thought out and written plot line.
  • Lastly: It needs to stop snowing. I'm over it.
Well, that's all the musings for now. Until next week everyone!