Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday's Musings

Still cold. Still snowy. And I still keep falling on my ass.

Okay, onto the cowgirl's musings for the week.

  • Plots people. Plots. They are extremely important. I don't know how many stories I have read lately with absolutely no plotline. What the hell is the point of writing if your story has no point? And how, in the name of all that is holy, do those writers have a crapload of reviews?
  • Dear readers, please review. That is all.
  • Lastly, if you cannot drive in the snow: stay the fuck off my roads! I'm so sick of getting stuck behind people who either
    • don't have snow tires on. It's Winter people. Just because we barely got three inches of snow last year does not mean we will have the same this year. Look around you people, its WHITE.
    • can't drive snow! You live in north central Idaho... it snows here. Learn to drive in the snow or move. Seriously.
I swear, people drive me nuts.


Jazzella said...

Plots. Some stories have lost them; some never had one to begin with.
Readers. Just a 'I love this' is good enough. kthxbai.
Drivers. Low speed, high gear. It's pretty simply really.