Hello my lovelies!
It is...once again, Wednesday afternoon meaning we have another rendition of One-Shot Wednesdays. This week was a little harder to find a one shot that I liked, and believe me, I went through a lot of different pairings. After, in my opinion, little success, I went back to a one-shot that I read when it was first published back in December of '09 for the I Get Off in Volterra contest. Hope you enjoy it, I know I sure did.
The Broken Road Leads Home by NCChris
Pairing: Bella/Demetri (Human/Vampire)
Rating: MA for citrusy goodness
Summary: Bella and Alice save Edward in Volterra like in New Moon. However, Bella does not get her happy ending with Edward as he does not return home with them. Time passes, and with the help of the rest of the Cullen's, Bella is able to move on and go to college. What happens when a member of the Volturi guard visits Bella to see if she is still human? Will Bella get her second chance at love?
Why I love it: This was actually the fic that got me started on the Demetri/Bella pairing. It is darn near impossible to find a fic with this pairing and is well-written and this one fits the bill. I think that this has a lot of potential to grow into a multi-chapter story, not that it really needs to. I especially like that Demetri had started the Vegetarian diet in order to be with Bella. Not to mention the interaction between Jasper and Bella in the story (it's no secret, I'm a complete sucker when it comes to the Major).
Now onto the lemon (because we all know that's what we care about). It's pretty hot...and realistic (always important). The one thing I liked about the lemon was the fact that it didn't go through the whole 'breaking of the barrier' that most fics go through with Bella and her first time having sex. Honestly, how many times can we read the same thing over and over again? Okay, scratch that last one...how many times have we read Twilight again?
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