Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The month of Kellan has now come to an end...

I know, it's sad. But, with the end of the month comes some more eye candy! Below you'll find some of my favorite Kellan Lutz photos...please, enjoy!

Mr. Calvin Klein, two words. Thank.You.
Sweet. Baby. Jesus. I don't know how anyone could say that that ^ is not hot.

Cowgirl Amber kinda feels like goo now. Seriously...I feel like goo.

Don't worry, Ladies. We will have another month of Kellan in a while, we still have more hot men to get through though!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fic-Rec Fridays

Happy Friday ya'll!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter of Letting Go that was posted earlier. Chapter 7 is currently in the works and will be covering a lot of things. I hope your week has been going well. Mine certainly has! Last week, I sent my horse Champ into training and he had his FIRST RIDE already! I'm so proud of him...he was so good:

I was honestly starting to think that that day would never come...but it has and I couldn't be more happy!

Anyway...moving on to the reason you all are reading (if anyone is actually reading)...Fic Rec Friday! This week's rec is coming from FanFiction and is a story I have been following since May. I absolutely love Peter and this story is honestly the reason why. If I remember correctly, this was the FIRST Peter/Bella story and I couldn't thank the author enough for bringing life to my love of Peter!

The Orbiting Meteor by Idreamofeddy

Pairing: Peter/Bella

Rating: MA...definetely MA. There is violence, character death, language, and sex. Lots of fucking sex...or should I just say lots of fucking? Either way...there's a lot of it.

Summary: (As written by Idreamofeddy) Three and a half years after escaping from the mythological and heartbreaking world of Forks, Bella is moving on with her life. What happens when a mysterious stranger catapults her back into the world she so desperately wanted to leave behind? AU/OC/OOC.

Why I love it: First and foremost, it's different, and that's important. Next, the chapters are LONG. Like long as in you sit there and read ONE CHAPTER for an hour. No joke. I love the life that she has given Peter and everyone else in Bella and Peter's world. I also love that it makes you think. Literally...there are some chapters that leave you saying WTF, but in a good way. There is some hardcore supernatural stuff going on in the story which, I found out, I love.

The author has also given us a strong Bella. One that won't take shit from anyone, no matter how dangerous they may be. I love that. I absolutely love a strong Bella. Gone are the days of a meek little innocent Bella...that's an SM Bella who has no backbone whatsoever who was way to dependant on Edward, even though she would completely argue that she was independant. I don't think so. Lastly, Peter is fucking HOT. No every time I think of Peter as a vamp, I think of this Peter, he's just that fucking hot. If you haven't had the chance to read this story yet...you need to. It will make you go Team Peter. I mean, honestly, how could you not after reading it?

Complete: No, but it is close to completion.

That's all for this week kiddos...I don't know what is happening to my One-Shot Wednesdays. It's starting to get too hard to find a well written, and well developed one-shot.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fic-Rec Fridays

This week's fic rec is breaking out of my normal Bella/X pairings. But, I couldn't help it! This one is fascinating and about one of the 'underdog' couples that we all love but never really hear anything about.

Carmen's Story by Camilla

Pairing: Carmen/Eleazar

Rating: NC-17

Why I love it: Simple. It breaks out of my norm. I love the backstory that she has created for Carmen; from the war to even, essentially, being a sex slave. Although Carmen has a tragic backstory, it was tastefully written.

I also adore her Eleazar. He's such a gentleman. This story takes place from Carmen's change to the time that she and Eleazar decide to leave the Volturi and it is refreshing to read how their love blossoms and the change in Eleazar. She has him feeding in more privacy rather than the throne room massacres.

Lastly, I love that it is only two chapters. But, in those two chapters, you really get all that you need to. I believe that a sequel is in the works and I cannot wait to read it!

Complete: Yes

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fic-Rec Fridays

Well...it's Friday again. So, that means another fic-rec!

Lately it seems to be much harder to find a well-written and well-developed fic on FanFiction.Net that I have not read. It seems that more people are writing fics that either someone elses better written one, or they just ramble and are not developed (more on this at a later date). So, I have been spending most of my fic-reading time on Twilighted.

I have always been a big fan of non-canon Bella pairings and that is predominately what I read these days (even though I currently have two stories with an E/B pairing) and this last week as been no different. This week, I'm bringing you a Carlisle/Bella pairing which is one of my favorite non-canon pairings, second (just barely) only to Jasper/Bella.

An Unexpected Lady by JosieSwan

Pairing: Carlisle/Bella

Rating: NC-17

Summary: After Edward leaves Bella in New Moon, a wish sends Bella back to Jane Austen's England, where she meets a familiar face, Carlisle Cullen, whose control is not as we know it in 2010. Knowing his secret, will she be the end to his lonliness?

Why I love it: Even though it is only three chapters in, it seriously captivates me. This was the first time-travel fic that I have read and it has led me to read others. JosieSwan has done an amazing job and capturing the essence of 1815 England and I adore the budding relationship between Bella and Carlisle. Not to mention, the story is well written and has a humongous amount of potential. I think that the author has captured Carlisle Cullen perfectly and I love how she has Bella sneaking hints about the future without changing it like I have seen in other fics that I started reading.

This, in my opinion, is one of those fics that you find yourself silently, or not so sliently, begging the author to update as soon as possible.

Complete: No

And for those wondering...yes, I am working on updating Letting Go. So sorry for the delay!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One-Shot Wednesdays

Hello my lovelies!

It is...once again, Wednesday afternoon meaning we have another rendition of One-Shot Wednesdays. This week was a little harder to find a one shot that I liked, and believe me, I went through a lot of different pairings. After, in my opinion, little success, I went back to a one-shot that I read when it was first published back in December of '09 for the I Get Off in Volterra contest. Hope you enjoy it, I know I sure did.

Pairing: Bella/Demetri (Human/Vampire)

Rating: MA for citrusy goodness

Summary: Bella and Alice save Edward in Volterra like in New Moon. However, Bella does not get her happy ending with Edward as he does not return home with them. Time passes, and with the help of the rest of the Cullen's, Bella is able to move on and go to college. What happens when a member of the Volturi guard visits Bella to see if she is still human? Will Bella get her second chance at love?

Why I love it: This was actually the fic that got me started on the Demetri/Bella pairing. It is darn near impossible to find a fic with this pairing and is well-written and this one fits the bill. I think that this has a lot of potential to grow into a multi-chapter story, not that it really needs to. I especially like that Demetri had started the Vegetarian diet in order to be with Bella. Not to mention the interaction between Jasper and Bella in the story (it's no secret, I'm a complete sucker when it comes to the Major).

Now onto the lemon (because we all know that's what we care about). It's pretty hot...and realistic (always important). The one thing I liked about the lemon was the fact that it didn't go through the whole 'breaking of the barrier' that most fics go through with Bella and her first time having sex. Honestly, how many times can we read the same thing over and over again? Okay, scratch that last one...how many times have we read Twilight again?