Are you ready for them?
2011 will be full of new adventures for this cowgirl. First and foremost, this is my stallions first breeding season; I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful 2011 breeding season. Second, my mare is due in March with my stallion's first baby. Now, this is the mare that has yet to let me be there for a birth. Or I should say I have missed both births thus far because 'people' did not believe me when I said she was having that baby. Examples:
- Her first foal, 'they' decided to go out to breakfast instead of listening to me that the baby is coming, Kayde is in first stage labor. Well, two beat one so I angrily hopped in the car and bitched the whole way to Denny's. After breakfast, they decided to stop at some garage sales. Well, when we got back, there was the baby staring back at us. We missed the birth by no more than ten minutes. Insert 'I told you so' here.
- Her second foal, Mia, was a bitch waiting for. We literally camped out in a small travel trailer at the barn for a week. A week of crazy ass, cold weather. The last day we were there, I noticed she started dripping milk and waxing up; a sign that the foal would be in the world in roughly twelve to twenty-four hours. Well, we went home and got to sleep in a real bed in a heated house. When we got to the barn the next day, I was scared shitless when I opened the barn door and a baby staring at me.
Last big adventure is stepping out into the business world. Now, if any of you know me then you would know that I'm a business major. That doesn't necessarily set you up for your own business though so it's a scary to start a business... especially in this tough economy. But, I have faith. I've got the name and I'm starting on the product but need a little help from my readers. Now, I'm not asking a lot. In fact, I'm just asking a question: what is your favorite home fragrance? From that question alone, I'm sure you can guess what my product is. That's right, I'm making candles, tarts, and other home fragrance goodies. Eventually, I will branch out and also include lotions, soaps and other elements.
I'm just starting out online with a few tart fragrances. Hey, don't judge me; I'm doing this all out of pocket and on a college kid's budget. It'll be tough, but I'm up for the challenge. What about you readers; what new adventures await you in 2011?
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